The Surprising Eating Habits of Baby Elephants!

Have you ever wondered what baby elephants, koalas, giant pandas, and hippos have in common? Well, it's not just their cuteness factor or their status as beloved animals. It turns out that these animals also share a peculiar eating habit: they enjoy nibbling on each other's faeces.

Before you say “yuck!”, it's important to note that this behaviour is perfectly normal and healthy for these animals. In fact, it's essential for their survival. The reason for this behaviour is that these animals need important bacteria in their gut to help them digest the grass and plant material they eat. Since baby elephants are not born with this important bacteria in their gut, the only way they can obtain it is by nibbling on the faeces of their mothers or other family members.

This behaviour is known as coprophagia, and it's not just limited to these four animals. In fact, many other animals, including hippos, warthog rabbits, rodents, rhinos and primates also engage in this behaviour. It may seem strange to us humans, but it's a perfectly natural and necessary behaviour for these animals.

So, the next time you see a baby elephant nibbling on some faeces, don't be grossed out - appreciate the fact that they're doing what they need to do to stay healthy and happy. A healthy gut means a happy elephant!

It's just another example of how amazing and complex the natural world is!


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Meet Reteti Keeper: Dorothy Lowakutuk