Film and Photography Application

Each filming/photography request is assessed individually based on the information provided in the application. The application also serves as the foundation for creating a contract. Reteti reserves the sole right to grant or deny permission to shoot and to determine the terms under which shooting is permitted.

All photography and film projects must be approved by the Reteti’s Marketing Department. All payments shall be made prior to the beginning of the shoot.

To cover our costs, we have a standard fee schedule that considers the duration of crew presence at the sanctuary. Please note that fees may increase if we need to provide additional staff participation.

Film and Photography Fees

Commercial filming/photography

Fees are tied to project scope. Contact to inquire.

Small, Non-commercial Filming and Photography (non-profits/students/documentaries)

  • Fees are tied to project scope. Contact to inquire.

  • This type of film crew consists of no more than two people and no lighting kits or special requests of Reteti staff.

  • Regarding student films, students with a media assignment are required to have a letter from a school official verifying the applicant’s enrollment status and that the shoot is related to course work.

  • Additional fees may apply if an extension of time or Reteti staff is required.

  • All payments shall be made prior to the beginning of the shoot.

Film and Photography Conditions

  • A review of on-site requirements must be scheduled between Reteti’s Marketing team and members of the crew in order to address and agree upon all shooting locations and subjects. Any behind-the-scenes shooting must be agreed upon prior to the shoot date. The size of the crew and amount of equipment must be agreed upon prior to the shoot date.

  • The shoot shall be suspended or canceled in the event that, in the sole discretion of Reteti, the shoot damages, destroys, or injures any plants, animals, or property at Reteti, or is likely to do so, interfering with visitors’ experience at Reteti.

  • Use of drones are prohibited.

  • We regret that no electricity or charging is available at Reteti as we run on solar power - most of which is used to power our pasteurisers. 

  • We regret that no storage of any kind can be provided on site prior to or between film/photography sessions.

  • All logistical costs such as transport, food, lodging etc will be covered by the film/photography crew.

  • A filming license must be obtained through a local, registered production service provider and issued by Kenya’s Department of Film Services (DFS).

  • All film and photographs will be for a one-time-only usage unless otherwise noted. 

  • All film and photographs produced by any individual or group for class projects or educational purposes may NOT be used for commercial purposes and must adhere to all aforementioned guidelines without exceptions.

  • No intrusive filming of the elephants are allowed.

  • Film crew must always have a keeper between them and the elephants.

  • Elephants are only allowed to be filmed in a natural setting . No creative direction, transport, positioning or posing of the elephants are permitted. 

  • Film crew will not have access to all parts and aspects of the sanctuary

  • Film crew must wear green / bush friendly colors. No bright colours will be allowed close to the elephants. 

  • Film crew must not add to the workload of the keepers. Crew interfering or adding to the keepers workload will be asked to leave the sanctuary. 

  • No more than the pre-agreed on number of crew members are allowed 

  • Crew may not sleep at the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary. Reteti does not offer camping or any accommodation. Camping is also strictly prohibited at Elephant Rock. 

  • Reteti Elephant Sanctuary accepts no liability for loss, damage to crew or equipment. 

  • The film/photography crew is fully responsible for all damages occurring at Reteti during its use and for paying for all repairs deemed necessary by Reteti. The production company must carry workers’ compensation insurance and a general liability policy.

Application Form

We kindly ask that you provide thorough and honest answers to all the questions.

The information requested gives us a clear understanding of your project to aid us in determining whether your project is suitable for our sanctuary and aligns with our mission and values.

Please note: Each filming/photography request is assessed individually based on the information provided in the application. The application also serves as the foundation for creating a contract. Reteti reserves the sole right to grant or deny permission to shoot and to determine the terms under which shooting is permitted.