Formidable mother figures – celebrating Reteti’s matriarchs!
Here at Reteti, we are all connected by heart – not by blood, and the sanctuary’s Matriarchs are the pillars of our unity and collective growth! We deeply appreciate their wisdom as they keep our ‘family’ together and safe – and celebrate how they embody motherhood in its purest form!
Photo of Reteti’s first matriarch, Shaba, taken by Ami Vitale
African elephants live in matrilineal family units led by matriarchs, who are typically older, more experienced, and able to guide the group through times of plenty as well as times of drought. Passing on knowledge through their ‘sisters’ and herd-mates over time, they are blessed with an abundance of social and ecological knowledge – as well as a natural ability to lead.
They usually know the best migratory routes, grassy areas, and water sources to nourish the herd, and because they’re also alert to possible dangers, they help to safeguard everyone.
are well connected to all the members of their group
reinforce the close bonds the elephants share with each other
are incredibly compassionate and caring
are extremely courageous and wise!
At Reteti, none of the calves have mothers in their lives, so the matriarchs do even more than matriarchs do in the wild. They’re there every step of the way to soothe newcomers at the sanctuary – enfolding them with tenderness and love, guiding them back towards themselves, and teaching them the ways of the wild.
Mother figures here at Reteti. Photo by Ami Vitale
Leading the way
Reteti’s first matriarch, Shaba, was absolutely instrumental in the wellbeing and healing of the sanctuary’s orphan herd. She kept the order, taught the young ones how to navigate steep paths, and welcomed every new arrival with a heartfelt and emotional hello. She also took it upon herself to show the rest of the herd how to browse.
It was fascinating to watch Shaba and her behaviour among the other elephants, and how warmly they responded to her. She was the anchor of the group and we learned something meaningful from her every single day.
Shaba also made a deep impression on Reteti’s female keepers. As the first female keepers in Africa, they looked to her with great awe and respect – which in turn amplified her role as the pioneering first matriarch for both Reteti’s elephants and their passionate keepers. Recognising her immense strength as a female leader, everyone looked up to her, and her meaningful impact continues to inspire people around the globe!
Quickly establishing herself as the first pseudo-matriarch (by becoming the leader of a herd in a sanctuary), Shaba was released into the wild two years later, alongside the group that is thriving in Namunyak’s landscapes today.
Shaba teaching younger orphans how to browse. Photo by Ami Vitale
Destinies being fulfilled
After Shaba led the first release group back into the wilderness in May 2020, the sanctuary needed a new leader to carry the mantle of wisdom, strength, and support. Following in her considerable footsteps, a new leader emerged in Kapai, who stepped forward with commitment, dedication, and grace.
She took care of new arrivals with so much love that you could have mistaken these calves as her own! We are so proud of the exceptional leader that she has become, especially since there’s so much relying on her now! Soon, Kapai will be leading the next release herd into the wild – and it will be her responsibility to help them adapt back in the wilderness and within the communities living in these vast landscapes.
And as we watch this natural progression, it’s been beautiful to see both Nanapa grooming herself to be this group's next matriarch – as well as Bule stepping up as the “second in charge”! Bule clearly understands her meaningful place in the herd, and her intelligence, kindness, and ingenuity in the wilderness make her a born matriarch. She’s always been a role model among the babies, and her wisdom is way beyond her years!
Honouring our pillars of strength
This Mother’s Day, we are celebrating the ‘mothers’ who look out for Reteti’s orphans – by honouring the incredible female leaders who keep nurturing and guiding every member of the sanctuary’s herd! Strong, yet gentle and patient, they form such an important part of the group’s sense of belonging – and without these matriarchs, everyone would feel quite lost!
Following in the ancient footsteps of their ancestors, matriarchs embody nature’s ability to nurture, guide, and protect, and Reteti’s matriarchs are shining examples who go above and beyond. We are so grateful for these deeply intuitively female leaders, who are gracefully guiding Reteti’s orphans back to the land of their birth.
Photo by Reteti’s current matriarch Kapai, by Simon Pocock
Join Reteti’s matriarchs in their journey!
You too can be part of their incredible legacy, and support Reteti’s matriarchs in their all-important roles! Matriarchs are pivotal in both the rehabilitation and release processes, and by supporting them, you are supporting the future of Namunyak’s wild elephant herds.
There are so many ways to become part of their journeys, and join their heartwarming stories of success. From signing in to watch the riveting award-winning short film about Shaba, to adopting one of the matriarchs and helping them to succeed as they lead the rest of the herd back to their original habitat – there are many ways to become involved!
Adopt Milgis for yourself, or as a gift for a loved one.