An update on Reteti’s preparations for our upcoming release

It’s such a privilege to live so close to nature, and here in Kenya’s remote northern frontier, we are intricately connected to both the challenges and blessings that each season brings! Right now, the landscape all around Reteti is lush and green after the abundant rainfalls we’ve experienced recently – yet at the same time, it also slowed down preparations for our imminent release.

You may have wondered how plans are progressing for our 13 release candidates to finally step back into the land of their birth – and as we continuously adapt to Mother Nature’s rhythms and timing, the last few weeks saw us literally weather quite a few storms!

In this latest update, Peter Lenasalia – Reteti Elephant Sanctuary’s Manager – writes the latest news from the ground, and we’re so excited to share it directly with you!


Dear Friends of Reteti,

I am so excited to share some much-awaited news about the release of the 13 elephants from Reteti Elephant Sanctuary!

Our journey started with awareness meetings – which were held across the Sarara Valley and in neighbouring conservancies – to share Reteti’s plans for the release of the elephant orphans in Kenya’s northeast with members of the community. These meetings were met with overwhelming positivity and acceptance by the entire community!

After we received the community’s endorsement, a trusted contractor started in earnest with the construction of the elephants’ stockades, as well as facilities for keepers, within the release area. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our plans were however soon put on hold…

The blessing (or curse) of abundant rainfalls led to logistical complications in transporting building materials – with some materials being stranded in Sereolipi, while others were waiting on roadsides for the rains to subside! Some measurements and digging work that had already been completed were also washed away by fast-moving water, which means that these are now being redone from scratch.

As ever, we remain positive though – and the team is diligently navigating these challenges with the most admirable determination! While heavy rains are beyond our control, you can rest assured that we are mitigating any disruptions that may have been caused; and we will keep you informed of our progress as we go along!

Despite these hurdles, I am so grateful that our community, keepers, and elephants and all safe and well. Together, we will overcome the obstacles and ensure the release of these magnificent creatures. 

We are deeply grateful to our donors and The Sarara Foundation for supporting this pioneering program, and I also want to extend my sincere appreciation to the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance for funding the infrastructure for the release site.

Peter Lenasalia
Manager, Reteti Elephant Sanctuary


Thank you for your ongoing of Reteti, and your interest as this exciting new chapter in our story continues to unfold. Keep an eye out for more updates coming soon…


Reteti Keeper T-shirts, hats, and more – all in our new online store!


Formidable mother figures – celebrating Reteti’s matriarchs!